Hey friend!
We had a very busy couple of weeks here in the Holler. As a new mom the day to day goes by so fast as it is so, when you add anything else into to the mix its a whirlwind. You blink and its the end of the day and time for little mans bedtime routine. My childhood best friend came for a visit to spend time with me and so I wouldn’t be home a lone with the baby. My husband went to Texas to my family’s hunting lease to go bore hunting with some of the guys from the firehouse. Little guys trip!

I had to run to the airport to pick her up and then the next day we had to run my husband up to the airport as well. My in laws just visited Paris for my sister in laws Birthday so, I had to run them to the airport later that same day. Lets just say there was lots of driving involved during that time. It doesn’t sound to bad but when you have a fussy teething baby in the back seat its not so fun. Poor little guy is going through it. He just wants to snuggle all the time.

It was so nice having my best friend in town. We hadn’t seen each other longer than a day in so long. It was like being back in High school again. We have sooo many memories together. Now we were able to make some new ones. This was the first time she was able to meet our sweet little boy. We mostly just spent time at the house with the baby and catching up. However we did have an outing to the local winter farmers market and that was fun. It was in the downtown area in an old arcade that has been renovated. It was sooo cute in there. It had. vintage architecture, little hexagon tile flooring, beautiful crown molding, and it just had such a cool vibe. That’s where we got our permanent friendship bracelets. And I absolutely love them! They turned out so cute! We also got some really yummy snacks. They had this dill pickle ranch popcorn! OH MY GOSH… Soooo good!

This girl and I have been best friends since the end 7th grade. We spent so much time together. Her family is basically my second family. Her and her siblings are like my sisters! I went on family vacations to Utah to visit all of their family during the summers. We were just a bunch of goof balls. I couldn’t imagine my life without you. I hate that we are so far apart but I will always be there for you no matter what. As you always say “soul sisters for life”.

P.S. I love you!

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