Hey Friend!
Have you ever had sourdough bread or homemade bread? It’s so delicious!I absolutely love the taste of sourdough bread. I’ve been wanting to learn how to make it. It’s a little more tricky for my family because we have to do gluten free. We have celiac and gluten intolerance in our home. So lets just say its been intimidating so I’ve been putting it off and putting it off. But I’m finally taking the leap. I have joined a few groups on facebook for sourdough bread and for gluten free sourdough/ baking. I’m excited and nervous at the same time. I got my first attempt at a sourdough starter going in the kitchen right now. Not sure how well it will turn out. I used Caputo gluten free flour. The Caputo Gluten free flour make really good bread I also want to try the King Arthur Gluten free bread flour because I’ve heard good things about that one for a sourdough starter.

I just followed a basic recipe for the starter, but because it was gluten free flour it soaked up the water way faster so I had to add a little extra water to make it the correct consistency. The best way to describe it is kind of like a toothpaste consistency. Thats what others from the facebook groups suggested. Only time will tell if I did it right. Its not an exact since either. It all depends on the temperature of your house and the humidity etc. I’m still learning as I go. So if you have any insight on gluten free sourdough starter please let me know. Im super excited to learn.
I also got a little sourdough starter kit off of amazon. They have all kinds of them on there. Some have so many gadgets with them you don’t even know where to begin, and others are super basic. I think I got one kind of in the middle. I’m not even to the baking stage yet, so I don’t really need it just yet. I just thought why not go ahead and order it so I have it. I have a nice enamel dutch oven as well however, its in a box somewhere in the basement…. We have yet to fully unpack all of our boxes since moving due to us renovating the kitchen soon. I’m not even sure where to look for it. I might just get another one but a smaller size. The one I have is huge which is great for soups, but maybe slightly too big for bread.

So to finish off… If you have any advice or tips for this beginner I would love to hear it. I look forward to learning with you and cant wait to share all my successes and failures with you. Thanks for chatting. Until next time!
Bye Friend!