Hey Friend! Have you ever had sourdough bread or homemade bread? It’s so delicious!I absolutely love the taste of sourdough bread. I’ve been wanting to learn how to make it. It’s a little more tricky for my family because we have to do gluten free. We have celiac and gluten intolerance in our home. So…
Life Update out here in the Holler
Hey friend! We had a very busy couple of weeks here in the Holler. As a new mom the day to day goes by so fast as it is so, when you add anything else into to the mix its a whirlwind. You blink and its the end of the day and time for little…
Hello there my Friend!
Welcome to the Farmhouse in the Holler. I wanted to create this space for me to have an outlet now as a stay at home mama. I have so many hobbies that I would love to share with all of you my friends. This is where I will share my crafts, tips, recipes, home renovation…